"This is the ultimate meaning of our Christian pilgrimage: we set out on a journey to discover the love of God and at the same time to discover ourselves, thanks to an interior journey nourished by our relationships with others."
Another significant finding addresses the question of what is already working in drawing men to the priesthood. The study identified that 70 per cent of the all the respondents participated in altar serving.
The day included faith sharing, prayer, music, confession, Adoration and inspirational talks from our Keynote Speaker Ken Yasinski, who encouraged teenagers to live their God-given purpose in life.
Cardinal Marc Ouellet an overview of the proceedings from last year's International Symposium "Towards a Fundamental Theology of Priesthood", which were presented on Monday.
Young people are important to the Church of today and tomorrow. Their faith, creativity, dynamism, and vitality are a surge of hope that can change the world. It is to young people that this Pastoral Letter from the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops is addressed.
A vocation is about making God’s dream come true, the great vision of fraternity that Jesus cherished when he prayed to the Father “that they may all be one” (Jn 17:21).
The Sacrament of Holy Orders of Priesthood will be celebrated by the Most Reverend Thomas Dowd at the Pro-Cathedral of the Assumption, North Bay, on Thursday, August 26.
In this episode, we profile Fr. Roch Martin, who tells us about his upbringing, his own call to the priesthood and what he hopes to bring to his new role as Vicar General for the Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie.
Religious and priestly life must be filled with the simple joy of caring every day for what really matters — faithful friendship with God and one another, Pope Francis said.
The Podcast filmed in North Bay, Ontario in the Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie tackles Catholic topics ranging from the Eucharist to scandals in the Church.